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Disinformation about NATO
August 1, 2022
ZAPAD 2021 Communication Analysis: Messages,Narratives, (Dis)information
November 26, 2021
Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan used to discredit NATO in pro-Russian media
April 27, 2021
NATO targeted by accusations of spreading new strains of COVID-19 and preparing to attack Russia
March 23, 2021
‘Remnant of the Cold War’: Kremlin related media undermines the relevance of NATO
March 8, 2021
NATO targeted with false narratives about ‘offensive’ exercises and stirring protests in Russia
January 18, 2021
'Aggressive' and 'breaking its promises': portrayal of NATO activities in the Baltics
December 21, 2020
NATO drills, COVID-19 rules, alleged interference in Belarus used to target the Baltics and Poland
July 9, 2020
70% of the information about the NATO exercise Defender 2020 was misleading
April 1, 2020
Disinformers take an advantage of COVID-19 crisis