In Kremlin’s spider web - social media analysis of the migrant crisis disinformation on Facebook
Lukashenko uses Kremlin’s playbook to spread disinformation about the surge of migrants
Lithuanian fight against BelNPP leads to a collapse of energy sector, Kremlin media declares
By spreading disinformation, Minsk shifts the blame for increased migrant flow towards the West
‘Should we let them catch us?’ - Facebook as a communication channel for illegal migrants
Pro-Kremlin media: "Lithuanian president protects the monopoly of Scandinavian capital"
“World saviours”: Russia leads the fight against COVID-19, Belarus provides Sputnik V to neighbors
BelNPP related disinformation asserts a 30% price jump for electricity in the Baltics
Pro-Kremlin media: Lithuania pushes Ukraine into the arms of Russian energy dependence
NATO drills, COVID-19 rules, alleged interference in Belarus used to target the Baltics and Poland
Political unrest in Belarus keeps fuelling disinformation against Baltic states
Softening criticism towards Lukashenko in pro-Kremlin media - fading power of the Belarusian regime
Election fraud in Belarus brought a surge of pro-Kremlin propaganda