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Debunker: 'The Russian media is free'
WHAT KREMLIN PROPAGANDISTS SAY: One claim often made by pro-Kremlin media outlets is that ‘the mass media in Russia is free.’ They argue...

Pro-Kremlin disinformation targeting Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
In Lithuania and the Russian-language segment of Baltic media, anti-sanctions messaging has been particularly strong due to the...

Lithuanian fight against BelNPP leads to a collapse of energy sector, Kremlin media declares
Actions taken by Lithuania to stop the flow of cheap electricity from the BelNPP in the Baltic region caused an increase of the price of...

Analysis of foreign influence and cyber incidents during the Latvian municipal elections 2021
In the beginning of June, regular municipal elections were held in Latvia. Even though the municipality of Riga did not hold the...

Which piece of the puzzle is Latvia in the Covid-19 vaccination campaign of European Union?
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought various unintended consequences all around the globe. However, the start of the vaccination campaigns...

Kremlin-related media accuses the West for deliberately discrediting Russian vaccine
Continuous introduction of strict anti-COVID measures have spurred yet another wave of disinformation. False/misleading narratives are...

Latvia had the widest spread of COVID-19 related disinformation in May
The Debunk EU analysis of COVID-19 related disinformation in three Baltic countries in May revealed that more than a half of this kind of...
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